Hartland Middle School at Ore Creek provides a variety of activities for everyone. Some of the activities are athletic, and some are academic. Click on the club/activity for more information.
Drama Club
Drama Club

The drama club, directed by Mr. Lauzon, put on a play called, Help, I'm Trapped in a Middle School. It was a story about four students from the "valley" that accidentally got transferred to a maximum security school. They must deal with the crazy student inmates while trying to get out. There were lots of laughs and a lot of great acting too!!
Geography Bee
Geography Bee
The National Geography Bee, is a nationwide geography competition, sponsored by the National Geographic Society, for students in grades four through eight designed to encourage the teaching and study of geography .
During the Geography Bee students compete against each other to see who can answer the most questions correctly about all kinds of topics related to geography.
The school winner goes on to compete at the state level. State winners can compete in the national finals for scholarships in the amount of U.S. $25,000, $15,000 and $10,000.
During the Geography Bee students compete against each other to see who can answer the most questions correctly about all kinds of topics related to geography.
The school winner goes on to compete at the state level. State winners can compete in the national finals for scholarships in the amount of U.S. $25,000, $15,000 and $10,000.

Lego League
Lego League

In the robotics club students build, program, and run robots. The club helps students learn teamwork, cooperation, and problem solving skills. Teamwork and cooperation are needed when deciding jobs and designing the robot. Problem solving, teamwork and cooperation are all needed in building, fixing, and programming the robot.
After many months of preparation the teams go to a competition. The competitions are big and very eventful. Students never know how well their robot is going to perform on the various tasks that it is asked to do. There is so much suspense!
In past years, our teams have competed very well with several teams qualifying for state finals. In order to go to the finals the teams must place in the top 6 on the day of their competition.
After many months of preparation the teams go to a competition. The competitions are big and very eventful. Students never know how well their robot is going to perform on the various tasks that it is asked to do. There is so much suspense!
In past years, our teams have competed very well with several teams qualifying for state finals. In order to go to the finals the teams must place in the top 6 on the day of their competition.
National Junior Honor Society
National Junior Honor Society
The NJHS (National Junior Honor Society) is a group of 8th grade students who in 7th grade kept a grade point average of 3.6, all year and have demonstrated qualities of good citizenship. Each month these students must do four hours of community service, to stay on NJHS. We do a variety of services for the community and school. Some of these include: staff luncheon, breakfast, carwash, school dance, tutoring, visiting nursing homes, donating items to needy families and the firemen and policemen luncheon. Each year we have between 80 and 100 eighth graders in NJHS.

Optimist Oratorical Contest
Optimist Oratorical Contest

Do you enjoy public speaking? Do you like to write? Are you a positive person? If you said yes to any of those then the Optimist Oratorical Contest is for you.
The Optimist Oratorical Contest is a contest for both 7th and 8th graders in which students write and deliver a 4-5 minute speech. The speeches are given before family and friends and are judged by a panel of three judges. First, second, and third place medals are awarded.
The Optimist Oratorical Contest is a contest for both 7th and 8th graders in which students write and deliver a 4-5 minute speech. The speeches are given before family and friends and are judged by a panel of three judges. First, second, and third place medals are awarded.
Quiz Bowl
Quiz Bowl
Quiz Bowl offers an opportunity for students to compete academically with other teams from around our area. In addition, qualiying students will have the opportunity to compete on WKAR's Quizbusters competition which takes place on the campus of Michigan State University.

Student Council
Student Council
Student Council plans and organizes after school and evening activities. It also plans and organizes fund raising activities for various local charities, recognizes student birthdays, puts on staff and teacher luncheons, and organizes the 8th grade trip to Cedar Point. The four officers (president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer) are elected in the fall and serve for the entire year.

Student Yearbook
Student Yearbook

Each year there is a committee of kids who get together and take pictures of different activities, pick out the cover of the year book and basically design the whole yearbook with only little help from adults.